Learn methods and factors to consider when segmenting target audience. This enables insight-driven personalized communications to build a meaningful relationship.
Tips and Tricks to capture essential prospect data to result in a prospect-driven personalized conversation.
Absorb techniques to battle the data minefields, extract intelligence a prospect may want, where they want it, how they want it and most importantly, when they want it.
Key elements that significantly impact the success of a lead generation plan.
Discover the methods and processes used to establish trust and credibility with a prospect in an online world to build a lasting relationship.
Uncover key tactical methods to generate a consistent flow of high-quality leads in an online world.
This paper paints a holistic view and a rationale to map a buyer’s end-to-end journey.
Design a congruent prospect experience throughout the buying cycle using key planning strategies identified in this paper.
Marketing is mandated to generate demand & Sales to monetize it. This paper maps a course to ensure the two goals are strategically and tactically aligned.
Understand the key components of a tactical plan of action to a successful demand generation strategy. This will result in consistent and predictable sales growth.
Use the ideas identified in this paper to help vet data partners & cost-effectively procure fresh, external data to generate optimal response rates for successful personalized communications.
A fantastic overview of the various factors to consider when vetting a Marketing Automation Platform.
Avoid analysis-paralysis! Leverage this white paper to identify key metrics to quantify marketing effectiveness along with data analysis techniques to enhance the propensity of prospect engagements.
A step-by-step guide to implementing a successful Marketing Automation Strategy, starting with guides on content creation to architecting lead nurture tracks.