SEO For Manufacturers

[dot_recommends] July 10, 2020 Manufacturing Trends

Is SEO, as we know it, dead? Not!

With the update to Google’s core algorithm in May 2020, there is plenty of chatter about SEO and its effectiveness moving forward. Questions such as – what happens to all my SEO efforts? Is it a waste? Should I invest any more time into SEO? – these questions are moot if you understand the tweak in the algorithm.

As I see it, it is the best thing to happen to a company if the company has been doing what it was supposed to do all along. Keywords were being used as “short-cut” to get a page ranked. Now, moving forward, Google is emphasizing what they term ‘Conversational Search’. This way, if someone were to search for “Best place to buy an iPhone in my neighborhood”, Google can discern the true context and the meaning of the search to rank and show pages whose content best relates to the prospect’s needs as opposed to pages that have keywords tagged such as ‘iPhone’, ‘buy’, etc.

So, all in all, the holy grail is to ensure the content of a website is in complete harmony with the needs of it’s targeted prospects. If a company manages to accomplish this, it should see a spike in the quality of traffic. Here’s a link that helps further understand the effects of Hummingbird to a company’s SEO strategy:

This is why SEO for manufacturers is still so important. Our team views SEO as one piece of an important mix of content strategies we use to promote our clients’ companies. Using keywords to optimize web pages and blogs to rank for those words is important – just as important as ensuring each web page or blog has a variety of solid content for your customers and potential clients.

At StratMg, we use SEO for manufacturers strategically to ensure your company ranks high in search results with content that is spot-on with Google’s conversational search algorithm. With this strategy, the people landing on your website are those who are genuinely interested in the products and resources you have to offer instead of random search engine users.

Strategy using SEO for manufacturers is critical when it comes to ensuring your website performs well, ranks highly, and, most importantly, attracts the kind of people you want.

Go Content!

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With over two decades of experience, Parin leads an expert demand-generation agency, StratMg, that helps industrial manufacturing clients achieve unambiguous and quantified organic sales growth across the US, EMEA & APAC.

Parin has built & positioned StratMg to be a value-added marketing services provider that strives to create a culture of quantified sales-driven marketing initiatives leading to sustained business growth through channel management, diversification, new customer acquisition and retention strategies and tactical execution.

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