Manufacturing Sales Growth –

[dot_recommends] October 13, 2020 Manufacturing Trends

Some Research, Your thoughts?

Manufacturing Sales Created

Manufacturing Sales Growth


We came across these two charts the other day, and they’ve generated considerable discussion at StratMg.

At first glance it appears deals created, and deals won have moved in parallel with each other, which seems logical. But our experience, and historical research, shows the average B2B sales cycle is typically at least 6 to 9 months.

So our experience dictates our perspective in how we read these charts – the sales pipeline created in Q1 was generally frozen in Q2.  Then, some ‘thaw’ occurred in the pipeline and deals that were shelved/pushed were activated.  Then in Q3, fresh additions were added because of newer opportunities generated.

On the flip side, because these counts are totals, and aren’t tracking each deal, is the data simply reflecting weeks when disruptions interfered with both deals and closes?

What are you seeing in your business? Are increases in deals opened and won tracking with each other? Has your sales cycle lengthened or shortened in the past few months? Please share your thoughts and let me know @  I’ll collate and share it with the community.


Visit our extensive content library at the revamped to learn how to shorten your sales cycle with effective sales-driven marketing.


Note: Source:

Managing Partner |  + posts

With over two decades of experience, Parin leads an expert demand-generation agency, StratMg, that helps industrial manufacturing clients achieve unambiguous and quantified organic sales growth across the US, EMEA & APAC.

Parin has built & positioned StratMg to be a value-added marketing services provider that strives to create a culture of quantified sales-driven marketing initiatives leading to sustained business growth through channel management, diversification, new customer acquisition and retention strategies and tactical execution.

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