What to Tweet as a Business

[dot_recommends] April 26, 2022 Manufacturing Trends

10 Top Twitter Ideas for Manufacturing Companies

We all run into dry days when the ideas just won’t flow. So, we put together this list of what to tweet as a business to keep your Twitter followers engaged.

Follow the links I’ve included for more in-depth advice directly from Twitter. Also, consider how your Tweets fit into your larger B2B social media marketing strategy.

Fitting Twitter into Your Social Media Strategy

Before you craft a Tweet, ask yourself, what do I want people to do or think when they see this Tweet?

What do you want people to take away from your Tweet?

If it’s action you want them to take, include a clear call to action (CTA) in the Tweet.

If you want them to see your brand a certain way, check your Tweet to make sure that’s coming through.

  • What does your Tweet say about your company?
  • What’s the takeaway about you as a business?

Even a Retweet says something about your brand! Put yourself in your prospective buyers’ and customers’ shoes and consider what they will think before hitting the Retweet icon.

Don’t Hashtag Spam on Twitter

Limit your hashtags so you don’t look spammy! Twitter recommends two hashtags in their “How to use hashtags” help article. We know it’s hard. Go for one broader hashtag like #manufacturing and one more specific to your company or the Tweet topic.

Still, even with these cautionary tips, there’s no need to be afraid to Tweet. The risks are low, especially starting out. So, jump in, grab one of these ideas and get into the Twitter conversation!

Top 10 Twitter Ideas for Manufacturing Businesses

  • 1. Ask questions. Consider running a poll.
  • 2. Tweet a video about your company, team, product features, or a how-to video on getting the most out of your products. Videos increase purchase intent by 34% and increase positive feelings about brands by 14%.
  • 3. Follow the days-of-the-week Tweets and add your voice with Tweets relevant to your brand. Instead of #MotivationMonday or #MoodMonday, consider #MFGMonday.
  • 4. Tweet about FAQs you get about your company, products, and industry.
  • 5. Tweet “Did you know. . . ?” and share lesser known industry facts.
  • 6. Retweet industry news with a comment. (Consider adding RT for retweet at the beginning to indicate that you’re quoting another person’s Tweet. See more tips for retweeting on Twitter’s help center.
  • 7. Share an employee or company success story. Get permission from employees and share a photo if possible. Tweets with pictures get more than 2x the engagement.
  • 8. Tweet a customer success story (with permission) or retweet customer tweets to engage with them online and strengthen your connection.
  • 9. Follow influencers in your industry and retweet or retweet with an insightful comment their tweets.
  • 10. Tweet a GIF (pronounced “gif” or “jiff”) animated image file. Looking for guidelines on using GIFs? See what Twitter recommends for Tweeting GIFs.


Still not sure what to Tweet as a business?

One of the best ways to learn what to Tweet and how to Tweet is to engage with Twitter and notice what you like.

Also, be brave and test ideas. Short of violating etiquette you’re free to fail and improve based on your results on Twitter.

Keep your Tweets short and to the point. Even though you’re allowed 280 characters, less is still more on Twitter!

Follow the rules and have some fun. Use appropriate humor. Be playful!

To summarize, before you hit the “Tweet” button check these things:

  • Have a point and make it concisely.
  • Are you coming across the way you want to?
  • Did you include a CTA (call to action) if you want readers to take some action?
  • Did you limit yourself to two (ok maybe three but no more!) hashtags?
  • Are you having fun and connecting with your followers and influencers?

Then, after you Tweet, check back on how the Tweet is performing and adjust your tactics going forward.

Rinse and repeat. You will find you’re getting better and more confident over time.

See Twitter’s business guide on what to Tweet for more details about optimizing Twitter.

Do you have a helpful Twitter resource to share? Let’s talk! Or, connect with us on LinkedIn or Tweet us.


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With over two decades of experience, Parin leads an expert demand-generation agency, StratMg, that helps industrial manufacturing clients achieve unambiguous and quantified organic sales growth across the US, EMEA & APAC.

Parin has built & positioned StratMg to be a value-added marketing services provider that strives to create a culture of quantified sales-driven marketing initiatives leading to sustained business growth through channel management, diversification, new customer acquisition and retention strategies and tactical execution.

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