Cybersecurity and Marketing Automation

[dot_recommends] May 19, 2021 Manufacturing Business Strategy

Marketing Tops the List of Cyberattack Targets: How to Safeguard Your Company

Cybersecurity & Marketing Automation

When you think about cybersecurity and marketing or sales infrastructure, what comes to mind? As an industrial manufacturing leader, you probably worry more about cyberattacks on your operations controls or financial records. These are obvious areas to safe-guard however business owners typically overlook the marketing & sales infrastructure.

Why Marketing & Sales Infrastructure Breaches Matter

According to the Cybersecurity Center for Business, more than half of small and midsize companies that sustain a serious cyber attack fail within a year. What companies fail to consider is the cost of a breach to remedy and undo the situation.

Even if your CRM mainly contains non-sensitive contact information, a breach can be costly in terms of your reputation and customer satisfaction. Also, the CRM access could be the first link on a chain of infiltration. Safeguarding your marketing & sales infrastructure suddenly seems vital, right?

What Makes Marketing & Sales Infrastructure Vulnerable to Attack

CEOs need to make sure that their marketers communicate with CIOs and CSOs to ensure end-to-end security for all connected software platforms. Applications and services for marketing pose inherent risks even as they provide outstanding benefits. The same tools that save you time and boost ROI on your marketing spend may provide a doorway for hackers.

Cloud hosted solutions and software from third-party vendors increasingly play a role in marketing success. To secure your company from cyber threats, all apps must be reviewed and approved by the IT security team prior to implementation. And to keep marketing running optimally, that needs to happen in a timely manner.

How to Safeguard Marketing & Sales from Cyberattacks

Get your marketing, sales and your information security team together to build ongoing communication around cybersecurity. Don’t wait for an attack to react. Act now to safeguard your marketing infrastructure and your company’s future.

Here at StratMg, we’re all about smart, results-driven strategies for your sales growth. Cybersecurity and marketing & sales infrastructure naturally go together. To start a conversation about how to make the most of your platforms, Contact Us.


Managing Partner



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With over two decades of experience, Parin leads an expert demand-generation agency, StratMg, that helps industrial manufacturing clients achieve unambiguous and quantified organic sales growth across the US, EMEA & APAC.

Parin has built & positioned StratMg to be a value-added marketing services provider that strives to create a culture of quantified sales-driven marketing initiatives leading to sustained business growth through channel management, diversification, new customer acquisition and retention strategies and tactical execution.

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